Monday, December 04, 2006

Teaching Children to Fish

Ask a parent to describe in a word or two what long-range vision they have for their child. Most will say something like the following…success, happiness, independence, a good job, loving family and friends, etc.

The question becomes, “How do we, as parents, help our children get to this goal?”.

I believe that most parents would agree that it is important to EMPOWER children and not ENABLE them. But, what does it mean to empower or enable? I think the following Chinese Proverb is the perfect definition.

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.

This proverb illustrates enabling (DOING for your child so that he is dependent on you. Giving the fish.) versus empowering (TEACHING your child so that confidence and independence are built).

Although it may take longer, I’m trying to teach my children to fish :-)


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