Sunday, August 13, 2006

5 sleep tips for new parents

Your baby was born early, a bit premature and spent some time in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit. You didn't expect anything that happened. finally, your baby is home; you are exhausted and want to sleep. How can you get some rest and help your new baby begin to establish a sleep schedule? Here are 5 tips to help with the adjustment. Remember it may take a bit of time before there is an identifiable pattern and schedule.

  1. Get active-you will sleep better if you get out and walk.
  2. Adjust your expectations-the house does not have to be perfect.
  3. Recognize signs of fatigue and stress in your baby.
  4. Keep track of your baby’s development in relation to her adjusted age.
  5. Establish a sleep routine.
  6. Make her crib a sleep safe haven.
  7. Encourage napping-try to get hr ready for nap before she is exhausted. Waiting until she is beside herself with fatigue and over stimulation helps no one.
  8. Begin to look for signs of fussiness and tiredness 1 ½ to 2 hours after waking in the morning.--Often times a baby can’t usually stay awake longer than two hours at a time. For the first few months, however, go with the flow and get to know your baby—once she grows older and sometime after about 3 months, babies can begin to show signs of a pattern and some may begin to be getting their days and nights straightened out.
Let me know what you think about these tips. Have you tried any of them, how do they work for you??

Cathy Rodrigues, ACSW, LCSW
Certified Mentor Coach