Friday, September 22, 2006

Assumptions About the Nature of Children

Last Thursday I attended my first class on Positive Psychology Coaching led by Alex Linley. It was a great first class. One of the points he spoke of was the assumptions of human nature that impacts the way we coach our clients. It led me to think about the assumptions we have about the nature of children. For example are children born "rotten to the core," or are they born all good, maybe a combination of both good and bad, or even the possibility of the tabula rasa, the blank tablet through which parents write a life script. Our religious education and psychological legacy has impacted our society to view children more as being "all bad." Therefore, the parenting goal is to remove all this bad and replace it with good or at least train children to manage the bad. I have many thoughts about my own and others assumptions and the parenting styles that are generated from what we believe. I thought I would throw out some general thoughts and see what others think.

Stay Strong. Stay positive.

Golden Jenkins

LifeCare Coaching
Auburn, AL

Caring For Your Life is Our Ministry

Friday, September 01, 2006

Share with Your Pediatrician

Facing the Challenges and Finding Strength:
A Parenting Teleclass for Mothers with Medically Fragile Infants

***Join us for weekly meetings over the telephone***
Mothers with medically fragile infants have many additional
emotional and information needs beyond those of typical births.
Often the best insights, ideas and true empathy come from those who
also face this difficult situation. Discussing the needs of babies and families
over the phone offers a safe setting for sharing and eliminates the need
for travel to a common meeting place.

***Teleclass Meetings begin: October 9, 2006***
Each group will meet for four, one‐hour sessions over four weeks.
Session topics may include:
• October 9, 2006 –Myths and Surprises about Parenting
• October 16, 2006 –Finding Time for Yourself
• October 23, 2006 –Understanding Development
• October 30, 2006 –Using Your Strengths to Establish a Routine

***Participant fee***
Participants are responsible for their own telephone or long distance charges.
Register-by phone or email by October 2, 2006

***Space is limited -- Teleclass is limited to 10 participants***
To register, call 847‐276‐2662 or email
Please provide your name, address, telephone number, email address. The
confidential conference call number will be given once you register.

***Facilitator: Cathy A. Rodrigues, ACSW, LCSW , CMC***
Cathy offers more than 25 years experience serving families as a social worker.
She has been recognized for developing training programs and innovative support
groups for parents of foster, adoptive and children with special needs. In addition to her private practice, Cathy serves as a consultant to the Illinois Early Intervention System and to various agencies. Cathy received her Coach
Certification through MentorCoach, Inc. a coach training program accredited
through the International Coach Federation.

Cathy Rodrigues • • •