Assumptions About the Nature of Children
Last Thursday I attended my first class on Positive Psychology Coaching led by Alex Linley. It was a great first class. One of the points he spoke of was the assumptions of human nature that impacts the way we coach our clients. It led me to think about the assumptions we have about the nature of children. For example are children born "rotten to the core," or are they born all good, maybe a combination of both good and bad, or even the possibility of the tabula rasa, the blank tablet through which parents write a life script. Our religious education and psychological legacy has impacted our society to view children more as being "all bad." Therefore, the parenting goal is to remove all this bad and replace it with good or at least train children to manage the bad. I have many thoughts about my own and others assumptions and the parenting styles that are generated from what we believe. I thought I would throw out some general thoughts and see what others think.
Stay Strong. Stay positive.
Golden Jenkins
LifeCare Coaching
Auburn, AL
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